
Material information
Metal fused sight glasses are made by melting glass inside a metal ring.
The glass can be borosilicate glass or sodalime glass.
Borosilicate glass features a very high resistance against chemical influences and thermal shocks.
With Sodalime glasses, it is possible to manufacture metal-fused sight glasses with greater transparency.
The metallic materials we use are carbon steel, stainless steel, nickel-base alloys and monel.
- 1.4462 (Duplex Edelstahl)
- 1.0570 (ST52.3)
- 1.4523 (Sandvik 1802)
- 2.4602 (Hastelloy C22)
- 2.4605 (Alloy 59)
- 2.4610 (Hastelloy C4)
- 2.4819 (Hastelloy C276)
- 2.4816 (Monel 400)